Friday, April 19, 2019


Choosing the right outside paint colors for your home can be a daunting process. The sheer number of colors can be overwhelming, and knowing that it’s a decision you — and your neighbors — will be reminded of each and every day, multiple times a day, can add to the pressure to make the right choice.

Partnering with a color consultant can help ensure you pick shades that complement one another. These are individuals who can spot and give you the pros and cons of various shades of all of the broader colors. Generally speaking, though, there are a few key things to keep in mind when picking outside paint colors for your home:
  1. Take an inventory: This is where you take note of everything on the exterior of your home that provides color, whether you’re painting them or not. Bushes, foundation, trim, overhangs, windows — you see it, put it on the list. This way, you can know going into the painting process everything that will need work that is within your control. From here, you can start to conceptualize where you’ll want to see various shades employed.
  2. Color family: This is where having a color consultant on hand becomes handy, as you can bounce ideas off someone who has seen all types of colors used in a variety of different settings. He or she can likely even show you work done in the past, and give background as to why certain colors were chosen.
  3. Proper contrast: Now that you know which family of outside paint colors you’d like to work within, whatever you decide to go with, getting the right amount of contrast among the different shades is key to creating a beautiful finished product. If you have a lot of molding or trim, you may want to consider something with not quite so much contrast. If you don’t have as much, you’ll want to make sure you have enough contrast to make your house pop.

Don’t let the process of picking exterior colors to your home overwhelm you. Follow these steps and the finished product will come out great.

3 Questions to Ask When Choosing Exterior Paint Colors

With all the work that needs to be done, painting your home can be intimidating - but also very exciting! While it may be tempting to pick your favorite colors when choosing exterior paint colors, just make sure you consider a few things before you come to a final conclusion. You’ll be making a big investment in your property and making a personal statement about yourself at the same time.
So, before you finalize your decision, here are a few important questions to ask:

What style is your home?
While you shouldn’t necessarily rule out any exterior paint colors you like because of your home’s architecture, it is wise to look into the history surrounding the style of your home to see if certain colors might make more sense than others. You might end up being pushed one way or the other if you’re on the fence. For instance you may want to go with a more muted, earthier tone with a dark, bold trim on a Tudor.

How much sun will hit the house?
Is your yard lacking any cover, leaving the sun to beat at your home all day? You may want to keep it light, as bolder and darker colors could fade quickly. Is your home in a darker spot, leaving spots of the home in the shade throughout the morning afternoon? Maybe some boldness would make it stick out and bring some vibrancy. Somewhere in the middle? A paint color expert would be able to advise you on what your best course of action might want to be.

What do you want to feature?
Maybe it’s a beautiful front porch or entryway. Maybe it’s your shutters. Or often a great option: your front door! Consider what you want to accent against the main color of the home. How much you accent, the shade of it, and the design will all end up playing key parts in how the finished product looks.

Now that you’ve asked yourself some questions before choosing your exterior paint colors, go answer them, pick your colors out and get painting!

You Need Interior and Exterior Paint Work Done; What’s Next?

As a homeowner, your “to do” list rarely gets much smaller; as you check things off, sure enough, something else usually gets added to it. So it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise one day when you end up realizing that it’s time not only time to paint the exterior of the home, but much interior work needs to be done as well.
So, what to do? Should you prioritize one over the other? What inside and outside paint colors should you go with? How much should one choice impact the other? Should you consult with a paint color expert?

Making a plan
To answer the last question — and the most important one, as it will impact the others — the answer is a most emphatic, “yes.” Seeking a professional opinion for something that will essentially be a real estate investment is always wise. And when you are talking about work that includes the complexities of both interior and exterior color schemes, the cost should pay for itself in the quality of the finished work. So seek out a color expert to help you make a gameplan. Visit their testimonials page, check out their before/after work, and get a few quotes to make sure you have someone who you can trust.

Inside or out? Which colors to pick?
This will depend not only on your budget, but also on your vision for your home and your plans for the future. Is there any chance you’ll be moving in the next couple of years? In that case, it may be best to double up and do both now to save on the cost of the project. If cost is a concern, your color expert can help you put your vision for your space down on paper.
And next, the really fun part! As far as picking colors go, dealing with the sheer volume of colors and shades of colors can sometimes be overwhelming. Don’t let it be. Work with your consultant to enjoy the opportunity to create a new atmosphere in your space — or, if you prefer, just slightly tweak what you have and make it look fresh again. Seek feedback to improve your home how you’d like and determine where your priorities lie in terms of interior versus exterior work. Narrow down your color options and from there, you can move forward, get some numbers, and make a decision based on price and your personal priorities.

Gather some quotes
Fairly straightforward here. The good news is that if you are working with a paint color expert, chances are he or she knows some pretty reputable interior and exterior painters. Sometimes the hardest part of the job is finding someone you trust to do the work. Getting a referral from a pro takes a lot of stress away from the work, no matter how big of a project you are doing.

If both interior and exterior paint work is on your “to do” list, it may be best to gather the opinion of a professional color expert.