Wednesday, August 21, 2019

3 Ways to Make More Curb Appeal

If you’re getting ready to put your house on the market, one question most real estate agents are bound to ask is, “How can we make more curb appeal here?” There are lots of ways to do it, and a lot of times the answer will depend on what your home needs the most rather than a catch-all answer for every home on the market. In addition, budget will obviously play a role as well.

Adding curb appeal can run from adding a fresh coat of paint to planting sod to adding a few new bushes and more. Read on for a few ways you can add some curb appeal to your home.

Fresh Paint: When you pull up to a house, few things say “dream home” more than a fresh coat of paint. If you’re looking to sell, you don’t have to stick with the same outside paint colors you’ve had on the house for years. And if you’re not sure where to start, it’s never a bad idea to contact a paint color expert.

Fresh paint, no matter the color, always improves curb appeal. It shows a place is well kept and that whoever lives there respects their home well enough to invest in one of the biggest things they possibly could — the exterior color of their home. And the right paint colors for your home are ones that tell a story, and put you in exactly the right place. They don’t just look good. They make a place feel like home.

Landscape Design:
Landscape design comes in all different shapes and sizes. It can mean a row of bulbs next to your walkway. It can mean a row of arborvitaes along the side of your yard. It can mean a fish pond next to your back patio. Or it could mean a whole new yard full of sod (hopefully your yard isn’t that big if that’s the need).

What landscape design offers in the curb appeal department is two main things. First, for potential homebuyers, it means being able to move in to a brand new yard without having to think about what they need to do with a space. If your back yard or front flowering is lacking, that might seem obvious upon pulling up. Rather than having to think about what should go where (and who should do it), that’s already done — a value add. The second thing landscape design offers is an extremely obvious and customizable “pop” when approaching the home and taking a look at it from the outside. Depending on the size and layout of your property, you can scale your landscape work in all sorts of directions.

Smooth surface: One more thing that gives a property great curb appeal is working to literally smooth out any rough corners. What this means is giving your property a nice finishing touch by resurfacing the driveway, walkway leading up to the front door, or a patio. If a set of stairs are in disrepair, make sure they’re cleaned up and painted or stained appropriately to create a fresh and clean look.

Keep these tips in mind and before long, people will be pulling up to your home and seeing the curb appeal they want to see in their future home.

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